Johanna (Jo) Byrne
Jo works from the Launceston office advising on legal issues ranging from Wills and Estate settlement to commercial matters. She moved to Tassie in 2017 after graduating earlier that year and working for Lavan Lawyers in Perth, WA. She’s an achiever! During her honours degree she was recognised as the National Indigenous Law Student of the Year 2016, awarded by the Federal Attorney General. She also received the Southern Cross University Academic Excellence Award, the Bruce Miles Foundation Prize for Excellence in Law, the Tony Pagotto Prize for the highest mark in law placement and was sponsored by the Far North Coast Law Society. And if that’s not enough to impress you, she did it all by distance education while raising seven children and working as a florist. These days Jo is a Committee Member for the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (Tasmanian rep) and the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (Indigenous Sub-committee). I think you can see why Rae & Partners snapped her up.