Matthew Pawson
Matthew advises on high-level commercial transactions, business entity structuring, governance and corporations law, trusts, tax, wills and estate planning and business succession planning. He is passionate about helping clients transform ideas and aspirations into reality, while protecting their interests along the way.
Matthew’s career spans over 20 years as a commercial lawyer in Hobart, Launceston and Devonport, eight years as a Board Member of The Tax Institute (of which he was National President in 2017, is currently a Chartered Tax Advisor and was awarded Life Membership in 2018). Matthew is also a member of the Law Society of Tasmania, the Australian Legal Practice Management Association, the Continuing Legal Education Association of Australia. He is also the Australia Area Director for the J. Reuben Clark Law Society. In 2022 Matthew was recognised by his peers in Doyle’s Guide as a leading corporate, commercial and business lawyer in Tasmania.
Matthew has a great interest in teaching commercial law and particularly enjoys mentoring young legal practitioners, both inside and outside the Firm. In 2019 Matthew was appointed as the Commercial and Corporate Practice course convenor for the Centre for Legal Studies (an adjunct of the University of Tasmania) where he teaches post-graduate commercial law practice. He has also published extensively on legal practice management and frequently presents on GST and other commercial law-related topics.
Outside the law, Matthew is also Chair of the Board for an NDIS service provider company, Enriched Care Solutions, which makes a real difference in the lives of those who are differently-abled. What few people know is that Matthew is also an AFOL (adult fan of Lego), a fair-weather motorcyclist and an avid pianist of 40 years. He particularly enjoys composing songs for his family, especially for his grandchildren.